
About Us

Our Mission
The mission of the One Million Conscious & Conscientious Black Contributors & Voters (OMC&CBC&V) is to harness the collective power of Black people to influence public policy through the creation of an independent political party, establish a network of African-centered schools, provide opportunities for wealth creation to Black descendants of American Chattel Slavery, and be a vehicle for communication on issues impacting Black people in the United States and abroad. 

The Start of the Journey
A clarion call was made by Baba Amefika Geuka and Dr. James Clingman seeking (minimally) ONE MILLION Race-conscious Black voters to join forces and heed a call-to-arms, combining an abundance of talent, skills, and expertise to be found among our best and brightest. Our hope is that each of you will begin to find or make your place in our ranks, and take on assignments critical to our eventual success.

The Continued Journey
We build the capacity to advance our race and protect the collective interests of our people by asking that our best and brightest join forces with us and pool resources and in this way do what other groups have done and continue to do daily. We possess the power right now to lift ourselves from our lowly condition by the collective force of our combined efforts! A conscious Black voter would do this by voting as part of a solid block of Black voters determined to influence public policy decisions so that they favor rather than hurt Black people, with the goal being to open and improve pathways to a better future for our children. 

What is a “Conscious and Conscientious Black Voter?” It is a Black voter who is fully cognizant of the need to place the interests of our people collectively in “first-position” and by doing so, we put into practice what all other racial and ethnic groups do routinely and automatically.

What is a “Conscious and Conscientious Black Contributor?” It is a Black person who would readily pool his/her financial and other resources and resourcefulness to provide the wherewithal to underwrite the costs of programs and projects designed and intended to serve the needs and interests of our people.

We recognize that there are skeptics who believe that Black folks are too individualistic to come together in such large numbers, that one million Black people will not cooperate and seek our collective good, that we have too many divides among us and our lack of trust in one another will defeat us, we say “Not so.”

We understand that there are doubters who continue to have faith in the platforms put forth by both Democrats and Republicans, even though those platforms ignore our needs, go against our best interests and continue to engage in a flawed analysis of our problems and the solutions thereof, we say, “Not so fast.”

We believe that within every Black person there lies a REMNANT of a DESIRE to love Black people; and it is that residue of unrequited love that we seek to reach. We assert that there are at least ONE MILLION Black folks actively seeking ways, means and reasons for us to come together to take corrective ACTION on behalf of our people. 

Become a member of THE ONE MILLION and work with us to break the ties that bind our people to dependency, self-negation, and the lowest rung on the economic, political, and social ladder of American society.

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