Four Legged Stool


THE One Million encompasses Self-determination; Self-reliance; and Group solidarity (Unity). Therefore, we apply those principles to all areas of human activity, but especially at this time, to the four 'legs' of our movement 'stool'. Our Platform Planks are divided into these four categories.

Economic Empowerment

  • To build institutions that create generational wealth for black people.
  • To raise awareness and acumen about opportunities within our community for wealth and financial education being created by black people.
  • To form and participate in buying cooperatives aimed at buying Black business media outlets
  • To entrench members of our organization and those we touch in the principles of economic development and growth.
  • To create millionaires within our organization
  • To agree to collectively support and refuse support to institutions not supporting our interests.
  • Collaborate to create jobs fairs, training, webinars, and seminars.

Planks: 2,4,6,13,16,18,21

Item Link

Influence Public Policy

  • To become politically astute on local politics and the global landscape.
  • To have no party affiliation but instead determine what is in our own best interest and then develop the allies and activities that support our own best interest.
  • To strengthen and insulate our position against the social and political influences that work against our people.
  • To build a political action committee.
  • To develop our own political party.

Planks: 1,5,7-9,10,11,12,14-16,18,20,21,22

African Centered Education

  • To identify and support existing independent, charter and public schools that are African centered.
  • To create, facilitate and develop financial resources in order to provide African centered experiential learning opportunities.
  • To support students, parents, teachers, families and the community.
  • To host a network of information on schools, homeschools, curriculum resources and district, state and national polcy trends affecting our children and families.
  • To create African centered educational centers.

Plank: 17


  • Raise awareness of and suopport for media ownership among Black people.
  • Build and participate in networks of media owners and consumers to gain market insight and training.
  • Become a media producer that shapes the narrative about our people by producing our own media (telling our own stories).

Planks: 3, 19, 20, 22

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